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Lesson plan แผนการจัดการเรียนรู้

Lesson plan แผนการจัดการเรียนรู้
Topic Dawn and up Unit1 Interpretation and Giving Opinions

Subject Fundamental English 1 (E21101) Class Lower Secondary 1 Time 3 hours

Standard T 1.1 Understand and tell the story listened and read the different media then

give opinion and reason

Index M. 1/1 Do according to order, request, suggestion and easy explanation

listened and Read

Important concept

Students should be able to order, request, astigmatic and negative that mean for themselves, their classmates and closed people correctly by having gone through the language skill method to communicate, especially that emphasize being developed listening, speaking reading and writing together which enables the students to apply in their daily lives confidentially and suitable to good manner and condition of people.

Concept of having knowledge


1. Order, request, suggestion both affirmative and negative that mean for themselves and their classmates and closed people such as Look at the…. / here/ over there. / Say it again/ Read and draw. / Put a/ an… in/ on / under…. / Go to the window and open it. / Take out the book. Open on page 17 and read it. etc.

2. The use of can could/ Please in the request sentences such as Please look up the meaning in a dictionary./ Look up the meaning in a dictionary, please./ Can /Could you help me , please ? Excuse me. Could you… ?etc.

Vocabulary : clap hop shake turn borrow

Form of affirmative and negative order : V1 or V1+Obj./ Don’t + V1 or Don’t Obj.

Form of affirmative request : Please+V1+Obj. or V1+Obj.+please.

Question : Can/ Could+you+V1+Obj.+please?

Skill/ Method

Method of practing English to communicate by focusing on trying to use in reality and gaining by listening. Speaking . Reading and Writing skill all together


1. Use English to communicate confidentially

2. Use English suitably to manner, time and people.


Thai learning group using order and request sentences. Hygiene learning and P.E group by designing gestures. Art learning group by drawing pictures along with order.


1. The ability to communicate, sing songs and show out as gestures and drawing.

2. The ability to think as :-

2.1 Analyses the group of words.

2.2 Use reason to discuss

2.3 Apply to use other one syllable verb for each verb and show gestures

2.4 Can draw when hear the sentence and tell what having learnt

Result of learning

Work done/ kind of work

2.Group work, write/ sing with gestures

3. Single work, speak/ write/ draw/ make gesture the order. Request, suggest sentences

4. Single work to write order, request both affirmative and negative by noting down in the exercise book


Percent pass

Index T 1.1 M 1.1 do the easy order , request, suggestion and explanation listened and read
Observe doing
Check drawing of order and request
Check list

Method of learning

Warm up
1.1 students listen to Down and Up song reatedly and try to sing while the teached make gesture .

Down and Up Song

Down and up and clap, clap, clap,

Down and up and clap, clap, clap,

We clap to the left and we clap to the right

Turn around and clap, clap, clap, (walk, nod, hop, shake.. etc.)

1.2 Teacher tells the important words in the song, students read loud and gesture or tell the meaning of the words.

1.3 Students follow the teacher singing and gesturing.

1.4 Each student group thinks and searches other words to put in the song and gestures or tell the meaning of the words.

2.1 Teacher speaks both affirmative and negative order and shows gesture, such as, stand up. Turn right, Turn left, Turn back, Turn around, Point to the window, Sit down.

Don’t sleep in the classroom. Don’t eat food in the classroom. Don’t draw cartoon in the book.

2.2 Teacher shows various order cards, students read,tell the meanings and note down in the exercise book.

2.3 Teacher speaks various requests, shows the cards, students speak after the teacher and make gestures.

Such as :

T : Can/ could you tell me your nickname, please?

S : My nickname is “nee”.

T : Can/could you close the window, please?

S : Yes, I ’ll do now.

T : Can/Could I borrow your pen, please?

S : Yes. Here you are.

2.4 Teacher concludes the use of Can/Could please to show the polite request, students note down.

3.1 Students speak order and request in pair with gesture

3.2 Choose student as a valenteer to speak different orders and requests, the rest do the orders and requests.

3.3 Let student draw pictures for order and requests.

4.1 Students show new idea about songs and gestures

4.2 Student show the chart of other words or drawing for other words in the song.

4.3 Student pair up the picture and order sentences on the table and stick on the board check and read.

Wrap up
5.1 Play “Simon Says” game

5.2 Let students do exercise from the picture given.

Media of learning

Tapes of affirmative and negative orders.
Picture cards and tapes of pair sentences.
Work given sheets
VCD or DVD players
Different side boards, BTS station, understand rail station, cinema hosses and medical sheet, etc

Expressions used in the classroom


Good morning (class/everyone).
Good afternoon (class/everyone).
That's all for today.
See you tomorrow/next week/Friday.

Stand up.
Sit down./Be seated.
Open your (text)books/notebooks (to page ~/chapter ~/section ~).
Turn to page ~.
Look at page/part/number ~.
Close your books/notebooks.
Take out your pen/pencil/notebook/textbook/homework/~.
Put your pen/papers/books/everything/~ away/in your desks/in your bags.
Pass your notebooks/tests/papers/homework to the front/to me.
Here is/are your tests/your homework/your notebooks/~.
Take one (handout/test/copy/~).
Come to the blackboard/front.
Translate this into English/L1.
Write the answer on the chalkboard/in your notebooks.
Listen carefully.
Read page ~ (aloud).
Repeat after me./Repeat ~./Again.
Practice (~).
Check your/your partner's answers.
(Please can be used with the above expressions.)


First (of all)...?
For example...
Now let's ~.
After that...

Who knows (the answer)?
Who knows (~)?
Who understands?
Who can tell me (~) ?
Who will volunteer (to ~)?/Who will do it?
Who has a question (about ~)?
What's ~ in English?/What does it/~ mean in English?
What's ~ in L1?/What does it/~ mean in L1.
What's the answer?
Do you understand?
Do you know (~)?
Do you have any questions?
Can you tell me (~)?
Will you volunteer (to ~)?/Will you do it?
Who's absent today?
Disciplinary Expressions:

Be quiet./Stop talking./No talking.
Calm down.
Stop that./Stop it.
Don't do that.
Put that/~ away.
Listen (to me)..
Look (at me).
(Please can be used with the above expressions--but if the teacher is very angry or frustrated she or he probably wouldn't use it.)

What are you doing?
Are you listening?
Are you paying attention?
Appendix ll: Classroom English For Students

Lists of expressions like these seem to be circulating everywhere for good reason. Students need to learn these kinds of expressions if they are to communicate in English in class. Naturally teachers should help them with pronunciation, meaning, and usage. Especially at the elementary level it may be useful to provide the meanings in L1 or ask the students to write them in. Teachers may want to suggest that the students paste the list inside the front cover of their notebooks so they can refer to it easily during class. As with Appendix I, there are many other good expressions which aren't listed here.

Excuse me?
(Are you speaking to) me?
I didn't hear you.
Again, please.
More slowly, please.
Just a minute, please.
Ms. ~/Mr. ~.
I'm thinking.
I don't understand. (Huh?)
I don't know.
How do you say this word?
What does ~ mean?
What's ~ in English?
What's ~ in L1?
I think ~.
One more please.
That's easy/difficult/strange.
Please help me.

Learning Log 16

Adjective Clause
- The womam is a worker who has been cleaning the street for 26 years.
- ''Bird'' is a singer who was singing happily.
- The language centre which is situated at NSTRU is very big.
Adverb Clause
- She protested helplessly.
- The repidly widening wealth gap between the rich and poor.
- Drinking water
- Rolling stone is no moss.
- I am very happy.
- I could not suppress my anger ehen I read about this event.
Out Class
Adverbial clause
Adverbial clause ทำหน้าที่เหมือน adverb ทั่วๆไปอาจจะเกิดต้นประโยค กลางประโยคหรือท้ายประโยคก็ได้
Types of adverbial clause
ประเภทของ Adverbial clause มีดังนี้
1. Clause of time คือ adverb clause ที่บอกเวลามี subordinators เช่น after,before,since,until, when เป็นต้น
2. Clause of place คือ adverb clause ที่บอกสถานที่จะขึ้นต้น clause ด้วย where or wherever
3. Clause of contrast or Concessive คือ adverb clause ที่บอกความหมายตรงข้ามหรือความหมายที่ขัดแย้ง
จะขึ้นต้น clauseด้วย subordinators : although,even though,even if เป็นต้น
4. Clause of condition คือ adverb clause ที่บอกที่บอกเงื่อนไข subordinator ที่ใช้ขึ้นต้น clause คือ
if,as long as,if onlysupposing that,in even that เป็นต้น
5. Clause of clause คือ adverb ที่บอกสาเหตุ มี subordinator ดังนี้ because,since,as,now that เป็นต้น
6. Clause of result คือ adverb ที่บอกผล subordinator ได้แก่ so that
7. Clause of purpose คือ adverb clause ที่บอกจุดประสงค์ subordinator ได้แก่ so that,in order that
in the hope that for the purpose that เป็นต้น ใช้กับกริยาช่วย can,will,could,would,might ตัวใดตัวหนึ่ง
8. Clause of comparison คือ adverb clause ที่บอกเกี่ยวกับการเปรียบเทียบ
9. Clause of grammar คือ adverb clause ที่บอกลักษณะ subordinator ได้แก่ as though,as if เป็นต้น

Learning Log 15

Independent learning: some ideas from the literature
Independent study is a process, a method and a philosophy of education whereby a learner acquires knowledge by his or her own efforts and develops the ability for enquiry and critical evaluation

Independent learning
Self-directed learning
Autonomous learning
A goal and a process
Independent learning can be both a goal and a process: a method of learning and a characteristic of learners (present in varying degrees)
Educators can adapt strategies to different levels of independence or self-directedness
Includes freedom of choice in determining objectives within the limits of a given project
Gains for the learner
Ability to respond to change
Transferrable skills
Allows for different learning styles - learner can use own judgment about how best to learn
Self-direction is motivating and leads to higher order thinking
The excitement and pleasure of independent learning will carry over to the subject itself
Mirrors ‘natural’ learning in the rest of life
Losses for the learner
The educational system might not be designed for independent learning
Carl Rogers said that only 1/3 or 1/4 of students are self-directing; the rest do just what they are supposed to do
Too little (as well as too much) direction can cause frustrations for the learner
Students can lack the necessary knowledge in the subject matter to make a beginning
Students might have very specific expectations about the degree of direction that should be provided by the teacher
Challenge for the educator
It is a challenge to provide the correct amount of guidance without providing too much direction. Direction is needed to help learners identify areas of difficulty but too much direction detracts from their sense of ownership of the learning project.
Success at university is associated with:

Personal confidence and feelings of competence as a learner
Hopeful, realistic view of future occupational and social roles
Emotional stability
Tendency to introversion
Relative independence from teachers
Tacit acceptance of extra-curricular work demands
Failure can be associated with:
Learning anxiety
Overdependence on teachers and significant others


Thai coconut cooked.
1. Glutinous rice flour.
2. Glutinous rice flour.
3. Coconut milk, fresh
4. Salt.
5. Sugar
6. Rails for dessert.
7. Containers for snacks.
8. Spoons for dessert plate.

Steps to do

1. Prepare the rails set on the stove to track hot dessert good.
2. The powder mix successfully. Put drops into the hole at a rail dessert Thai coconut cooked.
3. And then it drops down to the top coconut flour Thai coconut cooked.
4 Thai coconut cooked the cap rail Leave a few minutes.
5. When you see it on the coconut milk, dried Thai coconut cooked show that mature.
6 Thai coconut cooked scoop it out each hole.
7. Thai coconut cooked to the opposite bulkhead. Then put into containers.
8. Thai coconut cooked reviewed in conjunction with sugar is delicious ever.

ชื่อเพลง : คนหลงทาง Big Ass

ขอบคุณอีกครั้ง ขอบคุณอีกที
Thank you , thank you again.
ขอบคุณในความหวังดี ที่มีให้คนที่มืดมัว
Thank you for your hopefull you give to blue way person.
แต่มันคงไม่คุ้ม เข้าใจใช่ไหม
It isn't better effect . Are you understand.?
ออกจากชีวิตฉันไป ไม่อยากให้เธอถลำตัว

Leave out of my life , I don't want you take your life risk.
* คนอย่างฉันไม่ดีอย่างใครใคร
i am not better person same other.
Lost the way far from return.
this way can not return.

** อย่าฝากชีวิตดีดีไว้ที่ฉัน
Don't take your good life with me.
Don't bring your dream risk.
Keep your life out of me as long as you can go.
I don't want hurt the best like you.

มีแต่ความรัก มีแต่ความฝัน
I have the love, I have the dream.
นั่นมันคงไม่สำคัญ เมื่อมันไม่ใช่ชีวิตจริง
It's not essential because it's not the real life.

ไม่ใช่ไม่รัก ไม่อยากทำร้ายคนดีอย่างเธอ
It's not I am not love ,but I don't want hurt you my dear

เพลง พูดในใจ bodyslam

ยังทรมาน อย่างนี้เจอะเธอทุกทีต้องคอยข่มใจ
It's still pain to break myself whenever I see you
I have to pretend to greet you as normal, but that's completely different from what I think.
I really want to tell that I still love you and I've never change at all..
เจ็บปวดที่ฉันเองพูดได้แค่ในใจ ก็รู้ถ้าพูดออกไปเธอคงไม่ย้อนกลับมา
But it's so painful that I can only speak inside.Because I know I couldn't have you back even I say it out.

It could be better if I could forget our previous days.
Even everytime I try, I finally know that I still trumble.I still the same.

I really want to tell that I still love you and I've never change at all..
But it's so painful that I can only speak inside.Because I know I couldn't have you back even I say it out.

เมื่อฉันไม่ใช่คนที่เธอฝัน ชีวิตของฉันเป็นได้แค่นี้จะรักเท่าไหร่แต่ก็พอเข้าใจดี วันนี้ไม่มีเธอแล้ว
Since I am not the one you dream,I'm understand that from now my life is impossible to have you...

I really want to tell that I still love you and I've never change at all..
But it's so painful that I can only speak inside.Because I know I couldn't have you back even I say it out.

I really want to let you know that I still love only you in everytime I breathe.It's so painful that I could only speak inside.Cause I know even I say it out,our love would not return.


step of folding the grasshopper

1. Fold half a square of paper is prepared.

2. The paper is a right triangle and fold a half again.

3. Open up the paper and extend then press the paper to flat.

4. Will be as in the picture above.

5. And then hold back the other side.

6. The other side of paper make the same as step3

7. Fold follows the dashed line of paper then opens up.

8. Hold corner of the paper then pick up as in the picture.

9. Make of paper to blister up ther press the paper to flatly.

10. Hold back on of the paper.

11. The other side of the paper makes the same as step8.

12. Fold of paper follow dashed line on both sides.

13. Fold down the front of paper as in the picture.

14. Then fold of paper down the behind.

15. Hold the paper and Turn to change direction. (other side)

16. Then hold of paper in the middle and fold to back part.

17. Use the both hands to fold up the wings a little.

18. Then fold the legs up and down step.

19. Finally, drawing the eyes then will have the grasshopper as in the picture


Materials to use

1.Posterpaper cream color,red color,orange color,dark green,and pale green

2.Latex glue

3.Eakeigong size 1 centimeter

Steps to do

1.Cut the posterpaper cream color is a 1 piece and fold to the dashed line

2.Cut the posterpaper red color is a crest and mouth as an exemple 1 piece and fold

to the dashed line

3.Cut the posterpaper orange color is a tail inside and cut the posterpaper red

color is a tail outside as an exemple 2 pieces after that use to nib divider and

slit dashed line fold up-down in to the dashed line

4.Cut the posterpaper dark green color is in to wing inside and pale green color

are wings outside as an exemple, each 2 pieces and use to nib divider slit dashed

line and then fold up-down to the dashed line


January 3, at Goverment House, Prime Minister, Mr. Abhisit Vejjajiva an interview to the policy relationship between Thailand, Combodia,The main goal is not to want to see tensions between the countries. Thailand proposed that the guidelines do not let that heritage is a problem.He has met with Cambodia we will find someone responsible to familiar with each other. To avoid the crux of the conflict, World Heritage,Which the deputy Prime Minister Mr. Sok AN, And the Foreign Ministry to the office of the Prime Minister of Cambodia. Will meet with Mr. Suwit Khunkitti, Minister of Natural Resources and Environment. In this January.
The prime Minister said, we hope that at least progress. I do not want to trouble the World Heritage Committee meeting in June of this tension. He still would not to meet with King Hun Sen. Prime Minister of Cambodia at this time. But to meet the existing ASEAN.
The Deputy Prime Minister of security section, Mr. Sutaep: Talks to about Cambodia that goverment is not satisfied that the Commission postpone the region with Thailand and Cambodia (J B C) out several times that Cambodia had to explain to understand the reason in During Mr. Ouk San. Deputy Prime Minister of Cambodia To meet and discuss with Mr. Suwit Khunkitti world heritage issues pending.He has discussions with Mr. Sok An, of field works territories.Because the problems have notthing better to talk together.

Week 4 in class

1. If+V1,will/may/can +v1
Present, real/possible
- If I don't understand translation2 course thorughtly,, I may fail it.
- If she comes, I will go there.
- If you study hard, you will pass an exam.
- If it does't rain this afternoon, I will go to the Ocean.
•If you heat water, it boils.
•If you get here before seven, we can catch the early train.
•I can’t drink alcohol if I have to drive.

2. If+v2,would/could/might+v1
- Nobody told me that you were in hospital. If I had know,I would have visited you.
•If I have enough money, I will go to Japan.
•If he is late, we will have to the meeting without him.
•I won’t go outside if the weather is cold.
•If I have time, I will help you.
•If you eat too much, you will get fat

3. If had + v3, would,should, could, might+v3
past, unreal/impossible
• If I knew her name, I would tell you.
• She would be safer if she had a car.
• It would be nice if you helped me do the housework.
• If I were you, I would call her.
• If I were you, I would not say that
เหมือนไม่แคร์กัน ฉันรู้สึกยังไงก็ช่าง
ลองถามหัวใจดูบ้าง ว่ายังรักกันอยู่มั้ย
เธอทำให้ฉันเหมือนรู้สึกได้ ว่าคบฉันไปด้วยคำว่า ทน
*ถ้ารักกันไปแล้วฝืน ก็คืนหัวใจให้กัน
หากคิดว่าเราไม่ใช่ ก็อย่าอยู่ไปเพราะแคร์คำคน
หากรักเดินทางมาสุดถนน งั้นเราสองคนคงต้องเลิกกัน
ทุกอย่างเกิดขึ้นเพราะฉัน หรือเธอนั้นเป็นคนเปลี่ยนใจ
ทุกอย่างเกิดขึ้นเพราะฉัน หรือเธอนั้น...เป็นคนเปลี่ยนใจ

Returned the heart come back

What happened with our love?
The thing's good old days, more time more decline
You as made as do not care. What I feel
Ask your heart. still with love's our or not
The little finger always hold together.
Look...! You molest made to be busy carry belongings.
when we walk together,walk away,like as not near stay.
You make me feel like you see with me stay with the word Durable.
* If love each other then forced return the heart come back.
Please tell thing that you want.
If you think that we are not, Do not live for people's word care
If end the trip of the love. So two of us would have to break up.
** Wait for an answer you kept.
When you are ready to go please explain to me
Since when did your heart starts not love.
This all started from me. Or did you changed mind.
Since when did your heart start not love
This all started from me .... Or did you changed mind

PV คืนใจให้กัน - ตั๊กแตน ชลดา

week 8
Learning Log in class

Genre- Text types
1.Narative = tell story, usually to entertain.
2.Recounts = personal, factual- tell what happen.
3.Information reports = provide factual information.
4.Instruction = tell the listener or reader what to do.
5.Explanations = explain how or why something happen.
6.Expository texts = present or argue viewpoints.


1. ถ้าจิมได้รับข้อความที่ฉันฝากไว้ให้เขาเมื่อชั่วโมงที่แล้ว เขาก็คงกำลังรอพบฉันอยู่แล้วตอนนี้
If Jim got the message I left him an hour ago, he is waiting for me now.
2. ถ้าทอมรวยเขาคงซื้อรถคันใหม่แล้ว
If Tom were rich, he would have bought a new car.

Homework :
1. น่าเสียดายที่คุณขับรถไม่เป็น ถ้าคุณขับได้เป็นประดยชน์มากเลย
2. ถ้าเพื่อนคุณออกกำลังกาย ตอนนี้สุขภาพก็ไม่แย่
3. ถ้าฉันอายุน้ยกว่านี้สัก 10 ปี ฉันก็คงไปเที่ยวผับ
week 3
Learning in class

Modalit = ทัศนะภาวะ
Auxiliary verb
can, could = บอกความสามรถ
will, would = บอกอนาคต
should, shall = คำแนะนำ
may, might = ความน่าจะเป็น

1. Your sister can speal english well.
2. The temperature can sometimes reach 40 'c in April.
บางครั้งอุณหภูมิอาจจะสูงถึง 40 องศา ในเดือนเมษายน
3. You can take my car.
4. Can you pass mee the salt.
5. He can run very fast.
6. When he was young, he could run very fast.
เมื่อเขายังเด็ก เขาวิ่งได้เร็วมาก
7. Can you turn on the light?
8. Could you turn on the light?
คุณช่วยเปิดไฟหน่อยได้ไหม (Could การขอร้องที่สุภาพกว่า Can)
9. I can't see you today but I could see you tomorrow.
วันนี้ฉันเจอเธอไม่ได้ แต่พรุ่งนี้อาจจะได้
week 2

Learning in class

สร้าง Blogger ของตัวเอง

This week the teacher told the students make blogger that content are about news, magazine, shot story, abstract.

This week the teacher teach about
1. Critical mind
2. Creative mind
3. Productive mind
4. Resposible mind

Example in class
1. ฝากดูแลบ้านให้ฉันด้วยนะ
Look after the house for me, please.
2. ฉันกินแซนวิชกับแอปเปิ้ลเป็นอาหารกลางวัน แซนวิชไม่ค่อยอร่อยเท่าไร แต่แอปเปิ้ลอร่อยดี
I have a sandwich and an apple for lunch. The sandwich is not delicious but the apple is mine.
3. นิดจะไปยืมหนังสือ จากห้องสมุด
Nid will borrow a book from the library.
week 7
Lernning Log in class

This week the teacher tell me about website to learn english are:


If+ v1,will/may/can+v1
1. ถ้าฉันขึ้นรถเมล์ไม่ทันบ่ายนี้ ฉันก็จะเรียกรถแท็กซี่แทน
If I miss the bus this afternoon, I will catch a texi instead.
2. ถ้าไม่เข้าใจการแปลอย่างแท้ ฉันก็ติดอีแน่นอน
If I don't understand translation 2 course Throughly I may fail it.
3. ถ้าหล่อนมาฉันจะไปที่นั่น
If you comes, I will go there.
4. ถ้าคุณเรียนหนัก คุณจะสอบผ่าน
If you study hard, you will pass an exam.
5. ถ้าฉันเรียนแกรมม่าได้ดีฉันก็จะเรียนการแปลได้ดีดว่านี้
If I learn the grammar well, I can learn translate beter
week 5

Learning in class
Aspects: การณ์ลักษณะ
มุมมองที่ผู้พูดมีต่อเหตุการณ์นั้นๆ เช่น ผู้พูด พูดว่าเสร็จสิ้นแล้ว, กำลังเกิดขึ้น, เพิ่งเริ่มต้น, หรือเกิดซ้ำๆ
1. Progressive aspect
1.1) เหตุการณ์ที่ดำเนินอยู่อย่างต่อเนื่อง e.g. She was sleeping.
1.2) เกิดขึ้นและจบลงอย่างรวดเร็ว แต่เกิดขึ้นซ้ำๆ e.g. The boy is hitting my dog with a stick.
1.3) เหตุการณ์ที่ยังไม่เสร็จสิ้นสมบูรณ์ eg.I am writting a book on globle warming.
1.4) เหตุการณ์ที่เกิดขึ้นชั่วคราว e.g. She is living in London.
2. Perfective aspect
1) เหตุการณ์เกิดขึ้นแล้ว เชื่อมโยงกับเหตุการณ์หรือเวลาภายหลัง e.g. The thief had run away when the police arrive.

1. คนส่วนใหญ่เชื่อว่าสุนัขเป็นเพื่อนที่ดีที่สุดของมนุษย์
Most people believe that dog's are man's best friends.
2. ปัจจุบันอัตราการว่างงานในประเทศไทย อยู่ที่ 28 เปอร์เซ็นต์
At present the unemployment in thailand is 28 %.
3. น้องสาวฉันดื่มนม 1 แก้ว ทุกเช้า
My sister drinks a glass of water every morning.
4. ตอนที่ฉันยังเด็ก ฉันดื่มนมทุกวัน
When I was young I drank a glass of water.
5. นิดโทรมาหาฉันเมื่อสองสามวันก่อน
Nid called me a few days ago.
6. ตั้งแต่น้อยลาออกจากงาน เขาไม่เคยโทรมาหาฉันเลย
Since Noi quit the job, She has never called me.
7. รัฐบาลประกาศขึ้นน้ำมันแล้ว
The government has announced an increase in oil price.
8. เล็กไปประเทศญี่ปุ่นมาสองครั้งแล้ว
Lek has been to Japan twice.
9. ใหญ่ไปอเมริกาแล้ว จะกลับมาเดือนหน้า
Yai has gone to the states and will be back next month.
10. คุณทำงานหนักมาตลอด ตอนนี้ควรจะพักผ่อนบ้างได้แล้ว
You have been working hard, Now you should rest.
11. ระหว่างที่ฉันรอพบหมอ ฉันอ่านนิตยสารจบไปสองเล่ม
When I was waiting for seeing the doctor, I read two magazines.
12. ศักดิ์สูบบุหรี่มานาน 30 ปี แต่เขาเลิกสูบบุหรี่แล้ว เมื่อสองปีก่อน
Sak had been smoking for 30 years but he gave up 2 years ago.

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